Estate Plan Under Fire

Estate Plan Under Fire

Estate Plan Under Fire by Julia M Lindeman (PDF) By Julia M. Lindeman – Three60 Law Group PLLC Regardless of your individual stance on the Second Amendment, at some point we may represent clients who own firearms. As trusted members of their advisory team, we...
Quality of Life Inventory

Quality of Life Inventory

Quality of Life Inventory (PDF) The following inventory is designed to help you make decisions about the kind of healthcare treatment you may want and to help you share this information with your family, friends and healthcare providers.   Health Treatment Please rate...
What is a Revocable Living Trust?

What is a Revocable Living Trust?

Revocable Trusts - A Conversation (PDF) An Estate Planning Conversation It’s 2:00 on a Thursday afternoon and I introduce myself to Julie and Aaron, a professional couple in their mid-forties with two children—one just finishing elementary school and one in middle...